22 Aug Mission Moment – August 2023
One of the many roles the Catholic Foundation has is to support the many ministries of our diocese. The Catholic Foundation actively seeks out grant opportunities that can help and support ministries like the Office of Catholic Schools. This past year, OCS graciously received funds from the Mary and Al Danos Family Foundation for the ARK platform.
The Assessment of Religious Knowledge (ARK) will allow the schools in our diocese to evaluate their religious education programs and incorporate new practices for better integrating our faith in the classroom and all aspects of our schools. The results of the assessment provide support for areas of strength and identify areas for future growth.
Superintendent, Dr. Mark Williams said, “We measure what we treasure. By using the Assessment of Religious Knowledge assessment for our community, we know EXACTLY what the focus of our efforts should be with not only the students, but the administration, faculty, and staff as well. Upon skillfully meeting the needs of our community, the tools are in place for our people to live a virtuous and happy life together with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
Thank you to the Mary and Al Danos Family Foundation for their continued support of catholic education. It is because of people like you that our Catholic Schools are able to evaluate and strengthen our Religious education programs within all of our classrooms with Christ as our center focus in all that we do.