An Endowment Fund provides a source of annual income to the organization of your choice. This fund is designed to function in perpetuity, making it possible for you to ensure long-term financial support to your chosen cause. Once established, anyone can make additional contributions to the fund in any dollar amount.
The True Endowment is maintained permanently, with only the earnings being available as a source of income.
Click here for the Endowment Fund Agreement.
The Quasi Endowment functions as an endowment but allows individuals or organizations to access both the earnings and principal in cases of emergency.
Click here for the Quasi Endowment Fund Agreement.
Choose the name of the fund (can be named after self, family members, as well as organization or organizations benefiting from the fund), the charitable beneficiary or beneficiaries of the fund, and a contingent charitable beneficiary in the event money cannot go to the primary beneficiary or beneficiaries (such as because the primary beneficiary or beneficiaries cease to exist).
Other information about endowments:
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